Our trainer Zev Benmorits specializes in educating your pup at our facility as well as at home. Whether you pup is a couple months old or fully grown, Zev uses his skills to teach you as the owner how to bridge the differences between your companion and yourself. Since no two dogs are the same, each training plan is custom made!
What You Get With VIPuppy Spa Training
As each pet is different in their upbringing and breed, the first step is a consultation/evaluation to determine how Zev can best help you and your pup.
Common Unwanted Behaviors include:
Aggression towards humans and dogs
Leash pulling
- House-breaking
- Sudden change of behavior (to negative)
Common Methods that can be used include:
Verbal correction
Leash correction
Positive/negative reinforcement
Applying consequences
Improving owner's dog handling skill
Other services include:
Working on anxiety/ separation anxiety
Treadmill training
Swim training (at home!)
Transitioning shelter dogs to home
Improving self confidence in fearful dogs
Board and Train

VIPuppy Spa Training Rates
Phone Consultation
1-1 Training
In House VIP Check-in
(correcting small behaviors)
VIP Bootcamp
No Charge
Price Will Vary
Cel: 646-734-6706
VIP: 908-522-1630 ext.1